Presentations at Conferences or other Relevant Technical Meetings
M. S. Choi, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Numerical Analysis of Scattering Cross Section of Non-Precious Metallic Plasmonic Nanodisks,” submitted to International Workshop on Computational Electronics, IWCE 2015, accepted for presentation in September 2015
M. S. Choi, S. Poduri, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Numerical Analysis of Electric Field Enhancement in ZnO film with Plasmonic Au Quantum Dots”, submitted to International Workshop on Computational Electronics, IWCE 2015, accepted for presentation in September 2015
E. R. Brown. “Structured-Surface-Plasmon-Inspired THz Components and Devices,” Invited Talk at SPIE Photonics West, 2015, paper 9362-4, 10 Feb. 2015, San Francisco, CA.
R. Agarwal. “The Role of Defects, Disorder and Ferroelectric Domains in Electronic and Structural Phase Transitions in Phase Change Materials”, Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth and Assembly, July 2015
R. Agarwal. “Silicon Nanophotonics: Turn Off the Dark”, TEDxPSU, March 2015
N. S. Green, M. Rahman, X. Zhang and M. Norton, “Substrate dependent dissociative adsorption of DNA origami, Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices”, Snowbird, Utah, April 13, 2015
W. Patterson, M. Rahman, H. Sizek, P. Sizek, H. Zhong and M. Norton. “Preparation of 7.2 kb DNA origami scaffold using polymerase chain reaction and lambda exonuclease digestion, Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices”, Snowbird, Utah, April 13, 2015
M. A. Stroscio, M. Dutta, X. Meshik, Y. Lan, S. Farid, M. Choi, S. Poduri, S. Mukherjee, U. B.-Erdene, D. Parikh, D. Dutta, H.-S.Jung, J. Qian, T. C. Wu, and K. Xu, “FET-like Sensors with DNA Sensing Elements”, Seminar in ECE Dept. at the University of Illinois, Urbana, March 12, 2015.
M. Choi, R. Agarwal, C. O. Aspetti, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Second-Order Phonon-Assisted Processes, Carrier Relaxation by Phonon Emission, and Plasmonic Processes in Silicon Photoluminescence”, presented at PHONONS 2015 on July 16, 2015
M. A. Stroscio, M. Dutta, X. Meshik, Y. Lan, S. Farid, M. Choi, S. Poduri, S. Mukherjee, U. B.-Erdene, D. Parikh, D. Dutta, H.-S. Jung, J. Qian, T. C.Wu, S. Doan, L. Covent, K. Xu, B. M. Nichols, E. Zakar, Y. Y. Wang, P. J. Burke, and M. Norton, “Nanotechnology-based Tools for the Study of the Affinity and Selectivity of Antigens for Small Molecular Targets Underlying Drug Discovery and Therapeutics”, Session Lecture for the Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress 2015 (DDTWC 2015), 23rd July 2015, Boston, USA.
E. Mendenhall, B. Wang, M. Norton, W. Patterson, M. Rahman, B. Day, “Identifying the direct effects of Mn2+, Fe2+ and small molecule drugs on the iron responsive element in the human FTH1 IRE/IRP complex,” 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Denver, CO, March 2015.
Reed, M.A., “Future Electronics: What Will 2030 Look Like?”, Yale NUS Rector’s Tea, Singapore, 3 February 2015.
Reed, M.A., et al, “Molecular Transistors”, NUS Physics seminar, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 4 February 2015.
Reed, M.A., et al, “Nanobioelectronic Devices”, NUS Next Generation Silicon Workshop, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 9 February 2015.
Reed, M.A., et al, “Nanobioelectronic Devices: From fundamentals to applications”, seminar, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 10 February 2015.
Mu, L., Droujinine, I. A., Rajan, N. K., Sawtelle, S. D., Reed, M. A. Nanoribbon fieldeffect transistors as direct and labelfree sensors of enzymesubstrate interactions. American Physical Society March Meeting. March 2March 6. San Antonio, TX 2015.
Weber, M., “From silicon nanowires to making living safer”, March APS, San Antonio, TX, March 2015.
Ned Seeman, NY Nanoscience, City University of New York, Keynote, New York, 2015.
Ned Seeman, Frontiers in Polymer and Biomolecular Chemistry, Tel Aviv, 2015.
Ned Seeman, 4th International Conference on Ontological Engineering, Leeds, 2015.
Ned Seeman, DNABased Materials and Nanosymposium, Leeds, 2015.
Ned Seeman, Biologically Enabled SelfAssembly,Tallahassee, FL, 2015.
Ned Seeman, Nineteenth Conversation in Biomolecular Stereodynamics, Albany, NY, 2015.
Ned Seeman, STAR Symposium, Shanghai, 2015.
Ned Seeman, Fourth International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology, Xi’an, 2015.
Ned Seeman, Crystal Engineering Symposium, ACA, Philadelphia, 2015.
W. D.Zhang, P. H. Q. Pham, E. R. Brown, and P. J. Burke, “MM-Wave-to-THz
Modulation with Graphene-Oxide-Silicon Etalon Structures”, PIERS 2015, Prague Czech Republic, July 69,2015.
E. R. Brown, W. D. Zhang, and G.T. Mearini, “THz Characterization of ITO Films on p-Si Substrates”, PIERS, 2015, Prague Czech Republic, July 69, 2015.
J. S. Cetnar and E. R. Brown, “Computation and Analysis of Terahertz Wire Grid Polarizer Self-Resonance using Transmission Line Theory,” PIERS 2015, Prague Czech Republic, July 69, 2015.
B. Wang , M. Norton , W. Patterson, M. Rahman , B. Day, “Identifying the direct effects of Mn2+, Fe2+ and small molecule drugs on the iron responsive element in the human FTH1 IRE/IRP complex, Eric Mendenhall”, 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Denver, CO, March 2226, 2015
W. Patterson, M. Rahman, H. Sizek, P. Sizek, H. Zhong and M. Norton,”Preparation of 7.2 kb DNA origami scaffold using polymerase chain reaction and lambda exonuclease digestion”, Foundations of Nanoscience: SelfAssembled Architectures and Devices, Snowbird, Utah, April 13, 2015
N. S. Green, M. Rahman, X. Zhang and M. Norton,”Substrate dependent dissociative adsorption of DNA origami”, Foundations of Nanoscience: SelfAssembled Architectures and Devices, Snowbird, Utah, April 13, 2015
R. Agarwal. “Disorder induced Metal-Insulator Transitions and Structural Transformations in Phase Change Materials”, IIT Delhi, India, Dec 2014
R. Agarwal. “Tailoring Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductor Nanowires with Plasmonic Nanocavities”, COMMAD-2014, Perth, Australia, Dec 2014
R. Agarwal. “Nanowire Optoelectronic Probes for Sub-Cellular Studies”, ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, August 2014
R. Agarwal. “Tailoring Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductor Nanowires with Plasmonic Nanocavities”, IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 2014
R. Agarwal. “Tailoring Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductor Nanowires with Plasmonic Nanocavities” Nano Korea, Seoul, July 2014
R. Agarwal. “Tailoring Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductor Nanowires with Plasmonic Nanocavities”, International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference (INPEC) 2014, Seoul, S. Korea, June 2014
R. Agarwal. “Probing Size-dependent Light-Matter Interactions and Structural Phase Change Properties with Nanowires”, DGIST, S. Kore, June 2014
R. Agarwal. “Tailoring Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductor Nanowires with Plasmonic Nanocavities”, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2014
K. Xu, J. Qian, X. Meshik, M. Dutta and M. Stroscio, “Graphene-based biomolecular sensors with DNA aptamers as sensing materials, 4th International Symposium on Graphene Devices” (ISGD-4), Materials Research Society, September 21-25 in Bellevue, Washington (2014).
M. Choi, G. D. Stroscio, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, Applications to Near and Far-Field Interfaces to DNA-Guided Nanostructures — Nanoscale Graphene-based and DNA Nanostructures and Phonon Interactions in Si Photonics: DNA+graphene+aptamers: Plasmon First Order Excitation in Si, University of Pennsylvania, 8 September 2014.
E. R. Brown, W. Zhang and L. Viveros, “First Experimental Investigation of Selectivity in THz Biospectroscopy”, Presented at the 2014 SPIE Symposium on Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, 17 August 2014.
M. Rahman, B. S. Day, W. L. Patterson, C. Warner, E. T. Mendenhall, B. Wang and M. L. Norton, “In vitro binding study of iron-regulatory protein onto iron-responsive element mRNA,” 2014 ACS Central Regional Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, Oct. 2014.
M. Rahman, T. C. Wu, T. Bakhshi, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “Developments in finite, nanoscale DNA scaffold arrays for sensing applications,” 2014 ACS Central Regional Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, October, 2014.
M. Rahman, T. C. Wu, T. Bakhshi, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “Developments in finite, nanoscale 1D DNA scaffold arrays for opto-electronic applications,” 2014 ACS Central Regional Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, October, 2014.
E. T Mendenhall, B. Wang, M. L. Norton, W. L. Patterson III and M. Rahman, “Investigating the structural modifications of the iron-responsive element in the human FTH1 IRE/IRP complex under various conditions,” 2014 ACS Central Regional Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, October, 2014.
W. Patterson, E. Mendenhall, M. Rahman, A. Belalcazar, B. Wang and M. L. Norton, “Overexpression and purification of human aconitase 1 for the study of its iron-responsive element-binding properties,”2014 ACS Central Regional Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, October, 2014.
M. Rahman, A. Mangalum, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “Nanometer scale localization of semiconductive materials using DNA nanostructures,” 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 2014.
T. C. Wu, M. Rahman, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “1D origami arrays,” 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 2014.
M. Rahman, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “Positive and negative nanolithography of graphite using DNA origami mask,”248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 2014.
M. Rahman, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “Real time AFM study of kinetics of biomolecule assembly onto DNA nanostructure,” 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 2014.
M. Rahman, A. Mangalum, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “Nanometer scale localization of semiconductive materials using DNA nanostructures,” 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition; San Francisco, CA, August 2014.
M. Rahman, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “Contrast Switching in Plasma Patterning of Graphite using DNA Origami as a Lithography Mask,” Foundations of Nanoscience Meeting (FNANO 2014), Snowbird, UT, April, 2014.
T. C. Wu, M. Rahman and M. L. Norton, “Design of Length Specific 1D Arrays Using Origami Tiles,” Foundations of Nanoscience Meeting (FNANO 2014), Snowbird, UT, April, 2014.
T. Pham and P. J. Burke, “ Charging the Quantum Capacitance of Graphene with a Single Biological Ion Channel” UC System Wide Bioengineering Symposium, Irvine, CA, June 2014 (poster presentation).
K. Zand and P. J. Burke “ Nanochannel Trap Arrays For Monitoring Single Mitochondrion Behavior” UC System Wide Bioengineering Symposium, Irvine, CA, June 2014.
P. J. Burke, “Towards a Single Cell Radio”, ACM NANOCOM, Atlanta, Georgia. May 2014.
P. Pham and P. J. Burke, “Broadband Measurement of Terahertz Transmission Modulation Using Back-Gated Graphene”, MRS Spring meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA. April 2014.
W. W. Zhou and P. J. Burke, “Integration of Carbon Nanotube Network Transistorand Tethered Lipid Bilayer on SiO2 surface for Single-Ion Channel Recording”, MRS Spring meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, April 2014 (poster presentation).
Y. Y. Wang and P. J. Burke, “Charging the Quantum Capacitance of Graphene with a Single Biological Ion Channel”, MRS Spring meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA. April 2014.
K. Zand and P. J. Burke, “Nanochannel Devices for Single Mitochondrion Membrane Potential Assays” MRS Spring meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, April 2014,
Y. Y. Wang and P. J. Burke, “Charging the Quantum Capacitance of Graphene with a Single Biological Ion Channel”, Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, February 2014 (poster Presentation).
K. Zand and P. J. Burke, “Nanochannel Trap Arrays For Monitoring Single Mitochondrion Behavior”, Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. February 2014,
Peter Burke, “Nanochannel Trap Arrays for Monitoring Single Mitochondrion Behavior”,NCI-NIBIB Point of Care Technologies for Cancer Conference, January 8-10, 2014, Bethesda,Maryland
Peter Burke, “THz Wireless Communication”, IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, January 21, 2014, Newport Beach, CA
Ned Seeman, “Integration of Molecular Components in Macroscopic Systems”, Hannover, 2014.
Ned Seeman, SAOG, Fribourg, 2014.
Ned Seeman, “Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Laboratory Robotics Interest Group”, Somerset, 2014.
Peter Burke, “Supported Lipid Bilayer Nanopore Protein Gated All Semiconducting Nanotube Network Devices”, Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting, February 2-6, 2013, Philadelphia, PA
Peter Burke, “Nanofluidic Based Assays of Mitochondria”, Summit 2013, March 25-26,2013, Irvine, CA
Peter Burke, INVITED: “Protein nanopore-gated bio-transistor for membrane ionic current recording”, Transport through Nanopores: From Understanding to Engineering, August 1, 2013, Bremen, Germany
Peter Burke, “Nanofluidic Platform for Single Mitochondria Analysis using Fluorescence Microscopy”, 21st ECDO (European Cell Death Organization) Euroconference on Apoptosis on “Cell death: a Biomedical paradigm”, September 27, 2013, Paris, France
Katayoun Zand, “Novel Approach Towards Trapping and Imaging of Individual Mitochondria”, MMB 2013, April 10-12, 2013, Marina del Rey, CA, USA
Mark Reed, “Integrated Electronic Label-Free Biosensing Assays”. IEEE Sensor Symposium, College Park, MD, 25 September 2013.
Mark Reed, “Integrated Electronic Label-Free Biosensing Assays”. IEEE Sensors 2013, Baltimore, MD, 4 November 2013.
Mark Reed, “CMOS Biosensor Devices and Applications”, IEDM, Washington, DC, 9 December 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Obtaining Visible Light Emission from “Bulk” Silicon by Nanocavity Plasmons”, Nano Today Conference, Singapore, Dec 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Probing Size-dependent Light-Matter Interactions and Structural Phase Change Properties with Nanowires”, National University of Singapore, Dec 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Probing Size-dependent Light-Matter Interactions and Structural Phase Change Properties with Nanowires”, University of Oxford, UK, Nov 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Probing Size-dependent Light-Matter Interactions and Structural Phase Change Properties with Nanowires”, University of Chicago, IL, Oct 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Probing Size-dependent Light-Matter Interactions and Structural Phase Change Properties with Nanowires”, Drexel University, Oct 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Obtaining Visible Light Emission from “Bulk” Silicon by Nanocavity Plasmons”, CINT Users Conference, Santa Fe, NM, Sept 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Obtaining Visible Light Emission from “Bulk” Silicon by Nanocavity Plasmons”, International Conference on 1D Nanomaterials, Annecy, France, Sept 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Obtaining Visible Light Emission from “Bulk” Silicon by Nanocavity Plasmons”, IEEE Photonics Conference, Seattle, WA, Sept 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Obtaining Visible Light Emission from “Bulk” Silicon by Nanocavity Plasmons”, International Conference on Nanomaterials, London, Ontario Canada, Aug 2013.
Ritesh Agarwal, “Engineering Visible Light Emission from “Bulk” Silicon by Nanocavity Plasmons”, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, April 2013.
Ned Seeman, Science of Digital Fabrication”, MIT, 2013.
Ned Seeman, New York Nanoscience Discussion Group, New York, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, 2013
Ned Seeman, Self-Assembly & Supramolecular Chemistry Gordon Conference, Les Diablerets, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Canadian Chemical Society, Quebec, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Visions of the Theory of Computing, Simons Institute, Berkeley, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Biomolecular Synthesis and Nanotechnology, Odense, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Programmed Self-Assembly of Matter, New York, 2013.
Ned Seeman, PhD School on Applications of SPM, Aalborg, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference, Buffalo, 2013.
Ned Seeman, DNA-19, Tempe, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Synthetic Life Workshop, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, 2013.
Ned Seeman, DNA in Nanotechnology, Keynote, Göteborg, 2013.
Ned Seeman, Westchester Chemical Society, Valhalla 2013.
E. R. Brown, E.A. Mendoza, Y. Kuznetsova, S.R.J. Brueck, M. Rahman, M.L. Norton, K. Burris, R. Millwood, & N. Stewart, “High-Resolution THz Sensing of Biomolecules, Bioparticles, and Nucleic-Acid Crystals,” DTRA Workshop on Advances in THz Sensing for CB Defense, Falls Church, VA, 3-4 April 2012
XIV Encuentro Cientifico International, ECI 20112, invited lecture, Lima , 3-6 January, 2012
Summer Talks in Santiago III: Recent Developments in Quantum Chemistry, invited Lecture, 9-13 January, 2012
Mini-course on Nanotechnology, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú, 2-3 April, 2012
Mini-course on Nanotechnology, Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros, Lima, Perú, 10-11 May, 2012
Conference Merida Mexico, 08-15 July, 2012
Gordon Research Conferences, Invited poster at Nanostructure Fabrication conference, 15-20 July 2012
XV Encuentro Cientifico International, ECI 20112, invited lecture, Lima , 31 July -3 August, 2012
18th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, Attendee, Aarhus, Denmark, 14-15 August, 2012
Stockholm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ‘Materials for the post CMOS era’, Invited Lecture, Sweden, 15-16 August, 2012
Attendee, Copenhagen, DFT workshop, Denmark 16-18 August, 2012
63rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, ‘Materials for Nanosensors’, Invited lecture, Prague, Czech Republic 19-24 August, 2012
Ke Xu, Jun Qian, Pitamber Shukla, Mitra Dutta, and Michael A. Stroscio, IWCE 2012, Graphene-based FET Structure: Modeling FET Characteristics for an Aptamerbased Analyte Sensor, International Workshop on Computational Electronics, Madison, Wisconsin, May 2012.
Ke Xu, Justin Abell, Yiping Zhao, Jun Qian, Kimber Brenneman, Xenia Meshik, Mitra Dutta, Michael Stroscio, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy as a Tool for Characterizing Nanostructures Containing Molecular Components, PHONONS 2012, July 8-12, 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan; submitted for publication in conference proceedings.
Xenia Meshik, Kimber Brenneman, Ke Xu, Justin Abell, Yiping Zhao, Mitra Dutta, Michael Stroscio, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Signatures of an RNA Molecule: An Aptamer that Binds to the αVβ3 Integrin, PHONONS 2012, July 8-12, 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Kimber L. Brenneman, Xenia Meshik, Ke Xu, Justin Abell, Yiping Zhao, Mitra Dutta, and Michael A. Stroscio, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Study of Single Stranded DNA Sequences on Silver Nanorod Array PHONONS 2012, July 8-12, 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Michael Norton, Origami Meets Graphene: Prospects and Perils, FNANO 2012 (Salt Lake City) 9th Annual Conference Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO12), April 16 – April 19, 2012
Michael Norton, Enhancing DNA Origami Binding to Graphene via π-π Interactions, FNANO 2012 (Salt Lake City) 9th Annual Conference Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO12), April 16 – April 19, 2012
N.C. Seeman, Fourteenth IUPAC Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry, Doha, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology, Am. Math. Soc. Tampa, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, Einstein Professorship Lecture, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, American Chemical Society, San Diego, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, 17th UTMB Structural Biology Symposium, Galveston, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, EMRS, Strasbourg, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, CIMTEC, Montecatini Terme, 2012
N.C. Seeman, FASEB, Dynamic DNA Structures in Biology, Saxton’s River, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, Gordon Conference on Bio-Inspired Materials, Davidson, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, DNATEC II/DNA-18, Aarhus, 2012.
N.C. Seeman, Fourth EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, 2012.
Peter J. Burke, INVITED: “Radio Frequency Nanoelectronics Based on Carbon Nanotubes”, SiRF 2012, January 2012, Santa Clara, CA
Peter Burke, Invited talk: “Radio Frequency Nanoelectronics Based on Carbon Nanotubes”, SiRF 2012, January 2012, Santa Clara, CA
“Metallodielectric Composites for THz Devices and Components”, E.R. Brown, 2011 Ohio State University Materials Week, 12-14 Sept. 2011, Columbus, OH.
“Strong THz Signatures from Nucleic-Acid Biomolecules in Nanochannels under Electrophoretic Control, E. R. Brown, E.A. Mendoza, Y. Kuznetsova, and S.R.J. Brueck, Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense and Security Conference, 29 Aug – 1 Sept. 2011, Brooklyn, NY
Experimental Design of Single-Crystal DNA for THz Specroscopy, E. R. Brown, M.L. Norton, M. Rahman, and W. Zhang, Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense and Security Conference, 29 Aug – 1 Sept. 2011, Brooklyn, NY.
“THz-Frequency & Ultra-Fast Electronics” Elliott Brown, 2011 ARO Electronics Division Strategy Planning Meeting, 1-2 November 2011, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Moletronics beyond CMOS Technology, invited Talk, Jackson State University, 28-29 July, 2011.
Moletronics for the post CMOS era, invited talk, 2011 The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC), 17-22 July, 2011.
11th Southern School on Computational Chemistry and Material Science Conference, Moletronics beyond CMOS Technology, Invited Talk, Jackson State University, 28-29 July, 2011.
2011 Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security (NANO-DDS) Conference, Interface To Read/Write Encoded Information From/To Molecular Systems, Invited Talk, Brooklyn, NY, August 29 to September 1, 2011
2011 NANO-DDS Conference, Piezoelectric Transduction from molecular models, Jeremy Katusak and Jorge Seminario, Poster Presentation, Brooklyn, NY, August 29 to September 1, 2011
67th Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, Physical characteristics of Boron-Nitride Graphene Complexes, Jeremy Katusak, Jorge Seminario, Poster Presentation, Austin, TX, 9–12 November, 2011
67th Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, Designing silicon devices at the nanoscale, Sonia Aguilera and Jorge Seminario, Poster Presentation, Austin, TX, 9–12 November, 2011
67th Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, DNA based binding interactions with Graphene, Stephen Cline and Jorge Seminario, Poster Presentation, Austin, TX, 9–12 November, 2011
Ke Xu, Jun Qian, Michael A. Stroscio, and Mitra Dutta, Graphene Surface as Aptamer Binding Site for a Graphene-based FET Structure AVS Meeting, August 1. 2011, Northwestern University.
Jun Qian, Mitra Dutta, Michael A. Stroscio, Aptamer-based Small-analyte Detector on a Graphite Electrode, NANO-DDS, September 2011.
N.C. Seeman, Dimensionality, Swiss Academy of Sciences, Bern, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, Structural DNA Nanotechnology, New York, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, FINAR2RBP, Bangalore, 2011.
Peter J. Burke, INVITED: “Broadband Conductivity of Graphene from DC to THz”, IEEE NANO 2011, August 2011, Portland, OR
Peter J. Burke, INVITED: “Sheet Resistance of Multi-Layer Graphene in Radio Frequency”, Nano-DDS 2011, August 2011, Brooklyn, NY.
Peter J. Burke, “Fabrication of Supported Lipid Bilayer (SLB) and Nanotube Hybrid Transistor Biosensing Platform Using Microfluidic Channels”, poster, Micro TAS 2011, October 5, 2011, Seattle, WA
Peter Burke, Invited talk: “All-Semiconducting Nanotube Networks: Towards High Performance Printed Nanoelectronics” University of Lille & Institute d’Electronique Micro et Nanotechnologie, March 2011, Lille, France.
Nima Rouhi, “Towards Performance Enhancement of All Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Devices for Printed Electronics”, IEEE NANO 2011, August 2011, Portland, OR, USA
TS Lim, “Fabrication of Supported Lipid Bilayer (SLB) and Nanotube Transistor Hybrid Biosensing Platform Using Microfluidic Channels”, ”, IEEE NANO 2011, August 2011, Portland, OR, USA
Peter Burke, Invited talk: “Broadband Conductivity of Graphene from DC to THz”, IEEE NANO 2011, August 2011, Portland, OR
Peter Burke, Invited talk: “Sheet Resistance of Multi-Layer Graphene in Radio Frequency”, Nano-DDS 2011, August 2011, Brooklyn, NY.
Peter Burke, “Bioassay Chip for Evaluation of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential with Integrated Ion-selective Microsensors” NIH meeting, August 2011, Washington DC
Peter Burke, “Fabrication of Supported Lipid Bilayer (SLB) and Nanotube Hybrid Transistor Biosensing Platform Using Microfluidic Channels”, Micro TAS 2011, October 5, 2011, Seattle, WA
Nima Rouhi, “Performance Control of High Mobility, Printed Thin Film Transistors Using Semiconducting Nanotube Ink”, MRS Spring meeting 2011, April 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA
Nima Rouhi, Invited talk: “Carbon-Based Materials for Analog RF Devices”, IEEE MTT-IMS, June 2011, Baltimore, MD.
Nima Rouhi, “Carbon Nanotube Purified Ink-Based Printed Thin Film Transistors: Novel Approach in Controlling the Electrical Performance”, DRC (Device Research Conference) 2011, June 2011, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
Nima Rouhi, “Printed Nanoelectronics for RF and Microwave applications”, IEEE MTT-IMS 2011, June 2011, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.
Nima Rouhi, “Towards Performance Enhancement of All Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Devices for Printed Electronics”, IEEE NANO 2011, August 2011, Portland, OR, USA
Dheeraj Jain, “All-Semiconducting nanotube networks Thin Film Transistors: An Insight Towards High Performance Printed Nanoelectronics”,APS March meeting, March 2011, Dallas, TX
Tae-Sun Lim, “Protein Nanopore-gated Bio-transistor”, IEEE Device Research Conference (DRC), June 2011, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Tae-Sun Lim, “Fabrication of Supported Lipid Bilayer (SLB) and Nanotube Transistor Hybrid Biosensing Platform Using Microfluidic Channels”, IEEE NANO 2011, August 2011, Portland, OR, USA
K. Becker, The Great Odyssey : From Charge Transfer Inside DNA to a New Paradigm for Design of Anti-Cancer Drugs, Technical Meeting at NIH, 4/4/2011
Michael A. Stroscio, Aptamer-based Small-analyte Detector on a Graphite Electrode, NANO-DDS, 2011.
Michael A. Stroscio, Graphene Surface as Aptamer Binding Site for a Graphene-based FET Structure, AVS Meeting, 2011, Northwestern University.
N.C. Seeman, Workshop on Research Frontiers in Bioinspired Energy, Washington, DC, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, Kavli Futures Symposium, Plenty of Room at the Middle, Pasadena, CA, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, 2011.
Nanoscale Biophysics Subgroup, Biophysical Society, Baltimore, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, ONR Workshop on 3D-Based DNA Nanofabrication, Phoenix, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, ISNSCE Prize Lecture, Snowbird, Utah, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, Synthetic Biology Workshop, Paris, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, Soft Matter Physics Approaches to Biology, KITP, Santa Barbara, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, American Crystallographic Association, Plenary Lecture, New Orleans, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Montreal, 2011 (remote).
N.C. Seeman, Seventeenth Conversation on Biomolecular Stereodynamics, Albany, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, Q-Bio Conference on Cellular Information Processing, Santa Fe, 2011.
N.C. Seeman, Nano-DDS, Plenary Lecture, Brooklyn, 2011.
Jorge M. Seminario, Moletronics beyond CMOS Technology, invited Talk, Jackson State University, 28-29 July, 2011.
Jorge M. Seminario, Moletronics for the post CMOS era, invited talk, 2011 The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC), 17-22 July, 2011.
Nima Rouhi, “All-semiconducting Nanotube Networks: Towards High Performance Printed Nanoelectronics”, MRS fall meeting 2010, November 2010, Boston, MA, USA.
Tae-Sun Lim, “Bioassay Chip for Evaluation of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential with Integrated Ionselective Microsensors”, in Micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS) Conference, Groningen, Netherland, October 3-7, 2010.(Poster Presentation)
Tae-Sun Lim, Invited talk: IEMN, University of Lille, France, October 11-12, 2010
N.C. Seeman, Kavli Prize Lecture, Oslo, 2010.
N.C. Seeman, Second Nanotechnology Symposium at NTNU, Trondheim, 2010.
N.C. Seeman, British Science Festival, Birmingham, 2010.
N.C. Seeman, 7th ERA-Chem. Flash Conf. on Bioinspired Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela, 2010.
N.C. Seeman, ElecMol’10, Grenoble, 2010.
Jorge M. Seminario, Computational Design of Gallium (III) Nitrate Carried by Immuno conjugated Carbon Nanotubes Against Francisella tularencis, Karim Salazar, Emily Perez and Jorge Seminario;
Jorge M. Seminario, Chemical & Biological Defense (CBD) Conference, November 2010, Orlando, Florida
Jorge M. Seminario, Graphene Sensor of Chemical and Biological Agents Based on Mixing of Signals from the Agent and the Detection of Electrostatic Potentials, Norma Rangel; poster presentation at 2010-Chemical & Biological Defense (CBD) Conference, 15-18 November, Orlando, Florida
Jorge M. Seminario, Prediction of electron transport, sensing, and recognition through in biomolecules, Invited talk; 2010 S-E and S-W Regional American Chemical Society Meeting, 1-3 November, 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana
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