P. Paukstelis, N. C. Seeman, “3D DNA Crystals and Nanotechnology, Crystals”, in press, 2016.
C. Simmons, F. Zhang, J. J. Birktoft, X. Qi, D. Han, Y. Liu, R. Sha, H. O. Abdallah, C. Hernandez, Y. Ohayon, N. C. Seeman, H. Yan, “Construction and Structure Determination of a Three-dimensional DNA Crystal”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 138, pp. 10047-10054, 2016.
H. Joshi, A. Kanshik, N. C. Seeman, P. Maiti, “Nanoscale Structure and Elasticity of Pillared DNA Nanotubes”, ACS Nano, in press (2016).
H. O. Abdallah, Y. P. Ohayon, A. R. Chandrasekaran, R. Sha, K. R. Fox, T. Brown, D. A. Rusling, C. Mao, N. C. Seeman, “Stabilization of Self-Assembled DNA Crystals by Triplex-Directed Photo-Crosslinking”, Chem. Comm., vol. 52, pp. 8014-8017, 2016.
F. Yi, M. L. Ren, J. C. Reed, H. Zhu, J. Hou, C. H. Naylor, A. T. Charlie Johnson, R. Agarwal, E. Cubukcu, “Optomechanical Enhancement of Doubly Resonant 2D Optical Nonlinearity”, Nano Letters, vol. 16, pp. 1631-1636, 2016.
M. L. Ren, R. Agarwal, W. Liu, R. Agarwal, “Nanotwin Detection and Domain Polarity Determination via optical second harmonic generation polarimetry”, Nano Letters, vol. 16, pp. 4404-4409, 2016.
W. Liu, B. Lee, G. H. Han, H. S. Ee, C. H. Naylor, A. C. Johnson, R. Agarwal, “Strong Exciton–Plasmon Coupling in MoS2 Coupled with Plasmonic Lattice”, Nano Letters, vol. 16, pp. 1262-1269, 2016.
H. S. Ee and R. Agarwal, “Tunable Metasurface and Flat Optical Zoom Lens on a Stretchable Substrate”, Nano Letters, vol. 16, pp. 2818-2823, 2016.
W. Liu, B. Lee, C. Naylor, H. -S. Ee, A. C. Johnson, R. Agarwal, “Strong exciton-plasmon coupling in MoS2 coupled to a plasmonic lattice”, Nano Letters, vol. 16, pp. 1262–1269, 2016.
N. Jonoska, N. C. Seeman, “Molecular Ping-Pong Game of Life on a 2D Origami Array”, PPhilos. Trans. R. Soc. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., vol. 373, Article number: 201402014, 2015.
Y. Ohayon, R. Sha, O. Flint, B. Chakraborty, H. K. Subramanian, J. Zheng, A. R. Chandrasekaran, H. O. Abdallah, T. Wang, X. Wang, X. Zhang, N. C. Seeman, “Covalent Linkage of One-Dimensional DNA Arrays Bonded by Paranemic Cohesion”, ACS Nano, vol. 9, pp. 10296-10303, 2015.
Y. Ohayon, R. Sha, O. Flint, A. R. Chandrasekaran, H. O. Abdallah, T. Wang, X. Wang, X. Zhang, N. C. Seeman, “Topological Linkage of DNA Tiles Bonded by Paranemic Cohesion”, ACS Nano, vol. 9, pp. 10304-10312, 2015.
M. L. Ren, R. Agarwal, W. Liu, R. Agarwal, “Crystallographic Characterization of Semiconducting Nanostructures via Optical Second Harmonic Generation”, Nano Letters, vol. 15, pp. 7341-7346, 2015.
E. R. Brown, W. -D. Zhang, H. Chen, and G. T. Mearini, “THz behavior of indium-tin-oxide films on p-Si substrates”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, Article number: 091102, 2015.
S. Mukherjee, X. Meshik, M. Choi, S. Farid, Y. Lan, S. Poduri, D. Datta, K. Sarkar, U. Baterdene, C. Huang, Y. Y. Wang, P. Burke, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “A graphene and aptamer based liquid gated FET-like electrochemical biosensor to detect adenosine triphosphate.”, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, vol. 14, pp. 967-972, 2015.
Y. Lan, X. Meshik, K. Xu, M. Choi, S. Ranginwala, Y. Y. Wang, P. Burke, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “DNA-aptamer-based sensing of immunoglobulin E with a graphene field-effect-transistor-like structure”, submitted to IEEE Trans. Nanotech. 2015.
E.R. Brown, W.-D. Zhang, L. Viveros, D. Neff, N.S. Green, M.L. Norton, P.H.Q. Pham, P.J. Burke, “Sensing of DNA by graphene-on-silicon FET structures at DC and 101 GHz”, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, vol. 5, pp. 19-23, 2015.
J. Zhao, A.R. Chandrasekaran, Q. Li, X. Li, R. Sha, N.C. Seeman, C. Mao, “Post-assembly stabilization of rationally designed dna crystals”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., vol. 54, pp. 9936-9939, 2015.
D. Niu, R. Sha, H. Jiang, J.W. Canary & N.C. Seeman, “The unusual and dynamic character of PX-DNA”, Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 43, pp. 7201-7206, 2015
S. Farid, X. Meshik, M. Choi, S. Mukherjee, Y. Lan, D. Parikh, S. Poduri, U. Baterdene, C.-E. Huang, Y. Y. Wang, P. J. Burke, M. Dutta, M.A. Stroscio, “Detection of interferon gamma using graphene and aptamer based FET-like electrochemical biosensor” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 71, pp. 294–299, 2015.
S. Dhara, E. J. Mele, R. Agarwal, “Voltage tunable circular photogalvanic effect in Si Nanowires”, Science, vol. 349, pp.726-729, 2015.
B. Lee, J. Park, G.H. Han, H.-S. En, C.H .Naylor, W. Liu, A. T. C. Jonhson, R. Agarwal, “Fano resonance and spectrally modified photoluminescence enhancement in monolayer MoS2 integrated with plasmonic nanoantenna array”, Nano Letters, vol.15, pp. 3646–3653, 2015.
N. S. Green, M. L. Norton. “Interactions of DNA with graphene and sensing applications of graphene field-effect transistor devices: A Review”, Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 853, pp. 127-142, 2015.
J. E. Padilla, R. Sha, M. Kristiansen, J. Chen, N. Jonoska, N.C. Seeman. “A signal-passing DNA strand mechanism for an active self-assembly of DNA nanostructures”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 54, pp. 5939-5942, 2015.
N. Jonoska, N.C. Seeman. “Molecular ping-pong game of life on a 2D origami array”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, vol. 373, pp. 2046, 2015.
M. R. Jones, N. C. Seeman, and Chad A. Mirkin, “Programmable materials and the nature of the DNA bond”, Science, vol. 347, Article Number 1260901, 2015.
X. Duan, L. Mu, S. D. Sawtelle, N. K. Rajan, Z. Han, Y. Wang, H. Qu and M. A. Reed, “Functionalized polyelectrolytes assembling on nano-biofets for biosensing applications”, Adv. Funct. Mater. vol. 25, pp. 2279-2286, 2015.
L. Mu, Y. Chang, S. D. Sawtelle, X. Duan and M. A. Reed, “Silicon nanowire field-effect transistors – a versatile class of potentiometric nanobiosensors”, Access, IEEE, vol. 3, pp. 287-302, 2015.
G. H. Han, N. J. Kybert, C. H. Naylor, B. S Lee, J. Ping, R. Agarwal, A. T. C. Johnson, “Seeded growth of highly crystalline molybdenum disulfide monolayers at controlled locations.” Nature Communications, vol. 6, Article number 6128, 2015.
W. W. Zhou, Y. Y. Wang, T. S. Lim, T. Pham, D. Jain and P. J. Burke, “Detection of single ion channel activity with carbon nanotubes” Scientific Reports, vol. 5, Article number: 9208, 2015.
N. S. Green, M. L. Norton. “Sensing applications and interactions of dna and graphene field-effect transistors: a review.” Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 853, pp.127-142, 2015.
N. C. Seeman, C. Mao and H. Yan, “ Nucleic acid nanotechnology”, Accounts of Chemical Research, vol. 47, pp. 1643-1644, 2014.
W. Zhang, M. Martin, E. R. Brown, “Saturated low-temperature conductivity in ultrafast semiconductor nanocomposites”, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) Rapid
Research Letters, vol. 8, pp. 367-370, 2014.
N. C. Seeman, “The crystallographic roots of DNA nanotechnology”, ACA Reflexions, vol. 2, pp. 19-23, 2014.
J. E. Padilla, M. J. Patitz, R. Pena, R. T. Schweller, N. C. Seeman, R. Sheline, S. M. Summers and X. Zhong, “Asynchronous signal passing for tile self-assembly: fuel efficient computation and efficient assembly of shapes”, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 25, pp. 459-488, 2014.
D. D. Li, X. J. Wang, F. Shi, R. Sha, N. C. Seeman and J. W. Canary, “Templated DNA ligation with thiol chemistry”, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, vol. 12, pp. 8823-8827, 2014.
N. A. Baas, N. C. Seeman and A. Stacey, “Synthesizing topological links”, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, vol. 53, pp. 183-199, 2014.
N. K. Rajan, K. Brower, X. Duan, and M.A. Reed, “Limit of detection of field effect transistor biosensors: Effects of surface modification and size dependence”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, Article Number: 084106, 2014.
M. Luye Mu, I.A. Droujinine, N.K. Rajan, S.D. Sawtelle, and M.A. Reed, “Direct, rapid, and label-free detection of enzyme substrate interactions in physiological buffers using CMOS-compatible nanoribbon sensors”, Nano Letters, vol. 14, pp. 5315–5322, 2014.
M. -L. Ren, W., Liu, C. O. Aspetti, L. Sun and R. Agarwal, “Enhanced second-harmonic generation from metal-integrated semiconductor nanowires via highly confined whispering gallery modes.” Nature Communications, vol. 5, Article number 5432, 2014.
C. O. Aspetti and R. Agarwal, “Tailoring the spectroscopic properties of semiconductor nanowires via surface-plasmon based optical engineering”, Invited Perspective Article, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 5, pp. 3768–3780, 2014.
L. Sun, M. -L. Ren, W. Liu, and R. Agarwal, “Resolving parity and order of fabry–pérot modes in semiconductor nanostructure waveguides and lasers: young’s interference experiment revisited”, Nano Letters, vol. 14, pp. 6564-6571, 2014.
C. O. Aspetti, C. H. Cho, and R. Agarwal, “Studies of hot photoluminescence in plasmonically-coupled silicon via variable energy excitation and temperature dependent spectroscopy,” Nano Letters, vol. 14, pp 5413–5422, 2014.
B. Piccione, C. O. Aspetti, C.H. Cho, and R. Agarwal, “Tailoring light-matter coupling in semiconductor and hybrid-plasmonic nanowires”, invited review, Reports on Progress in Physics, vol. 77 Article number 086401, 2014.
X. Meshik, K. Xu, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Optical detection of lead and potassium ions using a quantum-dot-based aptamer nanosensor,” IEEE Transactions in Nanobiotechnology, vol.13, pp. 161-164, 2014.
K. Xu, X. Meshik, B. M. Nichols, E. Zakar, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Graphene-and aptamer-based electrochemical biosensor,” Nanotechnology, vol. 25, Article number 205501, 2014.
Y. Y. Wang and Peter J. Burke, “Polyelectrolyte multilayer electrostatic gating of graphene field-effect transistors ” Nano Research, vol. 7, pp. 1650-1658, 2014.
W. Zhang, P.H.Q. Pham, E.R. Brown, and P. J. Burke, “AC conductivity parameters of graphene derived from thz etalon transmittance,” Nanoscale, vol. 6, pp. 13895-13899, 2014.
J. R. Middendorf, J. S. Cetnar, and E. R. Brown, “High Fill-Factor Substrate-Based Wire-Grid Polarizers with High Extinction Ratios,” IEEE Transaction THz Science and Technology, vol. 4, pp. 376-382, 2014.
T. C. Wu, M. Rahman and M. L. Norton “From nonfinite to finite 1d arrays of origami tiles,” Accounts of Chemical Research, vol. 47, pp. 1750–1758, 2014.
X. Zhang, M. Rahman, D. Neff and M. L. Norton, “DNA origami deposition on native and passivated molybdenum disulfide substrates” Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, vol. 5, pp. 501–506, 2014.
M. Rahman, D. Neff and M. Norton, “Rapid, high yield, directed addition of quantum dots onto surface bound linear DNA origami arrays” Chemical Communications, vol. 50, pp. 3413-3416, 2014.
Yung-Yu Wang, Pham Ted, Katayoun Zand, Jinfeng Li, and Peter J. Burke, “Charging the Quantum Capacitance of Graphene with a Single Biological Ion Channel” ACS Nano, vol. 8, pp. 4228-4238, 2014.
A. Udomprasert, M. N. Bongiovanni, R. Sha, W. B. Sherman, T. Wang, P. S. Arora, J. W. Canary, S. L. Gras, N. C. Seeman, “ Amyloid fibrils nucleated and organized by DNA origami constructions.” Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 9, pp 537–541, 2014.
D. A. Rusling, A. R. Chandrasekaran, Y. P. Ohayon, T. Brown, K. R. Fox, R. Sha, C. Mao, N. C. Seeman, “Functionalizing Designer DNA Crystals with a Triple-Helical Veneer”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., vol. 53, pp. 3979-3982, 2014.
W. Guan, X. Duan, and M. A. Reed, “Highly specific and sensitive non-enzymatic determination of uric acid in serum and urine by extended gate field effect transistor sensors.” Biosens. Bioelectron., vol. 51, pp. 225–31, Jan. 2014.
W. Guan, X. Duan, and M. a Reed, “Highly specific and sensitive non-enzymatic determination of uric acid in serum and urine by extended gate field effect transistor sensors.” Biosens. Bioelectron., vol. 51, pp. 225–31, 2014.
N. C. Seeman, “Art as a Stimulus for Structural DNA Nanotechnology”, Leonardo, vol. 47, pp. 142-149, 2014.
M. Ghebrebrhan, F. J. Aranda, D. P. Ziegler, J. B. Carlson, J. Perry, D. M. Archambault, D. A. DiGiovanni, A. J. Gatesman, R. H. Giles, W. Zhang, E. R. Brown, and B. R. Kimball, “Tunable millimeter and sub-millimeter spectral response of textile metamaterial via resonant states,” Opt. Express, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 2853–2859, 2014.
J.E. Padilla, M.J. Patitz, R. Pena, R.T. Schweller, N.C. Seeman, R. Sheline, S.M. Summers, & X. Zhong, “Asynchronous Signal Passing for Tile Self-Assembly: Fuel Efficient Computation and Efficient Assembly of Shape”, International Journal of Foundations of Computer, vol. 25, pp. 459-488, 2014.
X. Duan, N. K. Rajan, D. A. Routenberg, J. Huskens, and M. A. Reed, “Regenerative electronic biosensors using supramolecular approaches,” ACS Nano, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 4014–4021, 2013.
L. Feng, R. Dreyfus, R. Sha, N. C. Seeman, and P. M. Chaikin, “DNA Patchy Particles,” Adv. Mater., vol. 25, no. 20, pp. 2779–2783, 2013.
Y. Yu Wang and P. J. Burke, “A large-area and contamination-free graphene transistor for liquid-gated sensing applications,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 103, Article Number: 052103, 2013.
K. Zand, T. Pham, A. Davila, Jr., D. C. Wallace, P. J. Burke, “Nanofluidic Platform for Single Mitochondria Analysis Using Fluorescence Microscopy”, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 85, pp. 6018-6025, 2013.
W. Zhang, E. R. Brown, M. Rahman, and M. L. Norton, “Observation of terahertz absorption signatures in microliter DNA solutions,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 102, Article number: 023701, 2013.
M. Ye, J. Guillaume, Y. Liu, R. Sha, R. Wang, N. C. Seeman, and J. W. Canary, “Site-specific inter-strand cross-links of DNA duplexes,” Chem Sci, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 1319–1329, 2013.
I. Sizov, M. Rahman, B. Gelmont, M. L. Norton, and T. Globus, “Sub-THz spectroscopic characterization of vibrational modes in artificially designed {DNA} monocrystal,” Chem. Phys., vol. 425, no. 0, pp. 121–125, 2013.
T. C. Wu, M. Vasudev, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Raman and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) studies of the thrombin-binding aptamer,” IEEE Trans Nanobioscience, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 93–97, 2013.
A. Mangalum, M. Rahman, and M. L. Norton, “Site-specific immobilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes onto single and one-dimensional DNA origami,” J Am Chem Soc, vol. 135, no. 7, pp. 2451–2454, 2013.
T. C. Wu, G. Zhao, H. Lu, M. Dutta, M. A. Stroscio, “Quantum-Dot-Based Aptamer Beacons for K+ Detection”,IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, pp. 1549-1553, 2013.
W. Zhang, E. R. Brown, L. Viveros, K. P. Burris, and C. N. Stewart Jr, “Narrow terahertz attenuation signatures in Bacillus thuringiensis,” J Biophotonics, vol. 7, pp. 818-824, 2013.
A. J. Gimenez, J. M. Yáñez-Limónand, and J. M. Seminario, “Paper-based photoelectrical devices,” J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., vol. 24, no. 18, pp. 2255–2261, 2013.
R. Sha, J. J. Birktoft, N. Nguyen, A. R. Chandrasekaran, J. Zheng, X. Zhao, C. Mao, and N. C. Seeman, “Self-assembled DNA crystals: the impact on resolution of 5’-phosphates and the DNA source,” Nano Lett, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 793–797, 2013.
L. Sun, H. Kim do, K. H. Oh, and R. Agarwal, “Strain-induced large exciton energy shifts in buckled CdS nanowires,” Nano Lett, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 3836–3842, 2013.
T.-C. Wu, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Agarose Gel Investigation of Quantum Dots Conjugated With Short ssDNA,” NanoBioscience, IEEE Trans., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 282–288, Dec. 2013.
X. Duan, N. K. Rajan, M. H. Izadi, and M. A. Reed, “Complementary metal oxide semiconductor-compatible silicon nanowire biofield-effect transistors as affinity biosensors,” Nanomedicine (Lond), vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1839–1851, 2013.
L. Feng, J. Romulus, M. Li, R. Sha, J. Royer, K. T. Wu, Q. Xu, N. C. Seeman, M. Weck, and P. Chaikin, “Cinnamate-based DNA photolithography,” Nat Mater, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 747–753, 2013.
C. H. Cho, C. O. Aspetti, J. Park, and R. Agarwal, “Silicon coupled with plasmon nanocavity generates bright visible hot-luminescence,” Nat Photonics, vol. 7, pp. 285–289, 2013.
B. Piccione, R. Agarwal, Y. Jung, and R. Agarwal, “Size-dependent chemical transformation, structural phase-change, and optical properties of nanowires,” Philos Mag, vol. 93, no. 17, pp. 2089–2121, 2013.
K. T. Wu, L. Feng, R. Sha, R. Dreyfus, A. Y. Grosberg, N. C. Seeman, and P. M. Chaikin, “Kinetics of DNA-coated sticky particles,” Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, vol. 88, no. 2, p. 22304, 2013.
N. Rouhi, Y. Y. Wang, and P. J. Burke, “Ultrahigh conductivity of large area suspended few layer graphene films,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101, no. 26, 2012.
J. S. Cetnar, J. R. Middendorf, and E. R. Brown, “Extraordinary optical transmission and extinction in a Terahertz wire-grid polarizer,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 100, no. 23, 2012.
C. Liu, E. Kim, B. Demple, and N. C. Seeman, “A DNA-Based Nanomechanical Device Used To Characterize the Distortion of DNA by Apo-SoxR Protein,” Biochemistry, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 937–943, 2012.
B. Chakraborty, N. Jonoska, and N. C. Seeman, “A programmable transducer self-assembled from DNA,” Chem. Sci., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 168–176, 2012.
Y. Liu, R. Wang, L. Ding, R. Sha, N. C. Seeman, and J. W. Canary, “Templated synthesis of nylon nucleic acids and characterization by nuclease digestion,” Chem. Sci., vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1930–1937, 2012.
N. Jonoska and N. C. Seeman, “Computing by molecular self-assembly,” Interface Focus, 2012.
N. A. Baas and N. C. Seeman, “ON THE CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF NEW TOPOLOGICAL STRUCTURES,” J Math Chem, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 220–232, 2012.
E. P. Bellido and J. M. Seminario, “Harmonic force field for nitro compounds,” J Mol Model, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 2805–2811, 2012.
A. D. Bobadilla and J. M. Seminario, “Self-assembly of DNA on a gapped carbon nanotube,” J Mol Model, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 3291–3300, 2012.
K. Cervantes-Salguero and J. M. Seminario, “Structure and energetics of small iron clusters,” J Mol Model, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 4043–4052, 2012.
I. Otero-Navas and J. M. Seminario, “Molecular electrostatic potentials of DNA base-base pairing and mispairing,” J Mol Model, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 91–101, 2012.
N. Nguyen, J. J. Birktoft, R. Sha, T. Wang, J. Zheng, P. E. Constantinou, S. L. Ginell, Y. Chen, C. Mao, and N. C. Seeman, “The absence of tertiary interactions in a self-assembled DNA crystal structure,” J Mol Recognit, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 234–237, 2012.
B. Sen, M. Stroscio, and M. Dutta, “Piezoelectricity in lead zirconate titanate nanowires: A theoretical study,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 112, no. 2, 2012.
B. Sen, M. Stroscio, and M. Dutta, “Piezoelectricity in zincblende polar semiconductor nanowires: A theoretical study,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 111, no. 5, 2012.
J. Qian, M. Dutta, and M. a. Stroscio, “Phonon bottleneck effects in rectangular graphene quantum dots,” J. Comput. Electron., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 293–301, Mar. 2012.
E. P. Bellido and J. M. Seminario, “Graphene-based vibronic devices,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 116, pp. 8409–8416, 2012.
T. Wang, D. Schiffels, S. Martinez Cuesta, D. Kuchnir Fygenson, and N. C. Seeman, “Design and Characterization of 1D Nanotubes and 2D Periodic Arrays Self-Assembled from DNA Multi-Helix Bundles,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 134, no. 3, pp. 1606–1616, 2012.
T. S. Lim, A. Davila Jr., K. Zand, D. C. Wallace, and P. J. Burke, “Wafer-scale mitochondrial membrane potential assays,” Lab Chip, vol. 12, no. 15, pp. 2719–2725, 2012.
N. Rouhi, S. Capdevila, D. Jain, K. Zand, Y. Y. Wang, E. Brown, L. Jofre, and P. Burke, “Terahertz graphene optics,” Nano Res., vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 667–678, Sep. 2012.
J. E. Padilla, W. Liu, and N. C. Seeman, “Hierarchical Self Assembly of Patterns from the Robinson Tilings: DNA Tile Design in an Enhanced Tile Assembly Model,” Nat Comput, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 323–338, 2012.
B. Piccione, C.-H. Cho, L. K. van Vugt, and R. Agarwal, “All-optical active switching in individual semiconductor nanowires.,” Nat. Nanotechnol., vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 640–5, Oct. 2012.
J. R. Middendorf and E. R. Brown, “THz generation using extrinsic photoconductivity at 1550 nm,” Opt. Express, vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 16504–16509, Jul. 2012.
K. Song and P. Mazumder, “Nonlinear spoof surface plasmon polariton phenomena based on conductor metamaterials,” Photonics Nanostructures – Fundam. Appl., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 674–679, 2012.
K. Xu, D. Erricolo, M. Dutta, and M. A. Stroscio, “Electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of PMMA/graphite nanoplatelet ensembles,” Superlattices Microstruct., vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 606–612, 2012.
Z. Xu, K. Song, and P. Mazumder, “Analysis of Doubly Corrugated Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton (DC-SSPP) Structure With Sub-Wavelength Transmission at THz Frequencies,” Terahertz Sci. Technol. IEEE Trans., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 345–354, May 2012.
Z. Xu and P. Mazumder, “Bio-Sensing by Mach #x2013;Zehnder Interferometer Comprising Doubly-Corrugated Spoofed Surface Plasmon Polariton (DC-SSPP) Waveguide,” Terahertz Sci. Technol. IEEE Trans., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 460–466, Jul. 2012.
M. R. Coan, P. León-Plata, and J. M. Seminario, “Ab Initio Analysis of the Interactions of GaN Clusters with Oxygen and Water,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 116, no. 22, pp. 12079–12092, 2012.
E. P. Bellido and J. M. Seminario, “Graphene-Based Vibronic Devices,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 116, no. 15, pp. 8409–8416, 2012.
E. P. Bellido and J. M. Seminario, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion-Bombarded Graphene,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 116, no. 6, pp. 4044–4049, 2012.
Alejandro J. Gimenez, J. M. Yáñez-Limón, Jorge M. Seminario, “Paper Based Photoconductive Infrared Sensor”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115 (38), 18829–18834, 2011
Gloria I. Cardenas-Jiron, Paola Leon-Plata, Diego Cortes-Arriagada, and Jorge M. Seminario, “Electrical Characteristics of Cobalt Phthalocyanine Complexes”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115 (32), pp 16052–16062, 2011
Norma L. Rangel, Alejandro Gimenez, Alexander Sinitskii, and Jorge M. Seminario, “Graphene Signal Mixer for Sensing Applications”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115(24), pp 12128–12134, 2011
C. Kubli-Garfias, K. Salazar-Salinas, E. C. Perez-Angel, and J. M. Seminario, “Light Activation of the Isomerization and Deprotonation of the Protonated Schiff Base Retinal”, J. Mol. Modeling, Vol. 17(10), 2539-2547, 2011
E. C. Perez-Angel and J. M. Seminario, “Ab Initio Analysis and Harmonic Force Fields of Gallium Nitride Nano-clusters”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 14, 6467-6477, 2011
A. D. Bobadilla and J. M. Seminario, “DNA-CNT interactions and gating mechanism using MD and DFT”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 8, 3466-3474, 2011.
A. J. Gimenez, J. M. Yáñez-Limón, and J. M. Seminario, “ZnO-Paper based photoconductive UV Sensor”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 282-287, 2011
Jun Qian, Mitra Dutta, and Michael A. Stroscio, “Optical Phonon Modes in Rectangular Graphene Quantum Dots”, Chinese Journal of Physics, 49 (1), 541-550 (2011).
Banani Sen, Michael Stroscio, and Mitra Dutta, “Piezoelectricity in Wurtzite Polar Semiconductor Nanowires: A Theoretical Study”, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 024506 (2011).
Reza M. Zadegan, Michael L. Norton, “Structural DNA nanotechnology: from design to applications, Assembled Soft Matter Nanostructures at Interfaces”, http://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/13/6/7149/
T. Wang, R. Sha, R. Dreyfus, M.E. Leunissen, C. Maass, D. Pine, P.M. Chaikin & N.C. Seeman, “Self-Replication of Information-Bearing Nanoscale Patterns”, Nature, 478, 225-228 (2011).
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