Professor Burke presented at on NSF AFOSR workshop on quantum sensors in biology using qubits of nanodiamonds.
The workshop was held in Washington DC.
“I’m excited about the potential of using qubits to sense biological quantities that cannot be measured classically”, said Prof. Burke. Other experts participated in this invite only workshop bringing together nanodiamond synthesis experts and leading biologists from around the world.

BurkeLab is proud to announce the premier of a youtube channel for scientific (STEM) content related to BurkeLab.
The first video is a tutorial on how to order custom PC boards, from start top finish.
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Dec. 3, 2020 – UC Irvine electrical engineering and computer science professors Athina Markopoulou and Peter Burke have been named 2021 IEEE Fellows in recognition of their outstanding research achievements. The fellow designation is awarded by the board of directors to no more than one-tenth of one percent of the organization’s voting membership – those considered to have extraordinary records of accomplishment. This brings to 19 the number of UCI electrical engineering and computer science active faculty recognized as IEEE Fellows. ……Read more.